Refund / Cancellation Policy:

At Ganga Ayurvedic, your satisfaction is our priority. We understand that there may be occasions when you need to return or exchange a product, and we are here to make the process as straightforward as possible.

Returns & Exchanges

We offer hassle-free returns and exchanges for all orders. To initiate a return or exchange, please contact us to request a return authorization. Returns and exchanges are accepted within 10 DAYS of the delivery date. To be eligible for a return or exchange, the items must be in new, unused condition and in their original packaging.

Please note that returns are only accepted for items that were purchased directly from our website. If you meet the criteria for a return or exchange, we will assist you in generating a return authorization.

For exchanges, after placing your return/replace request, we will arrange for a reverse pick-up of the product. Once the damaged product is collected by our logistics partner, we will issue a replacement with the correct product. This entire exchange process typically takes around 2-3 working days.


If you are eligible for a refund, once we receive the return order, it may take 3-5 business days for the refund to appear on your statement. If this period has passed, and you have not received your refund, please don't hesitate to contact us at:
email [] or call us at [+91 0987-654-321].

Invalid Reasons

We kindly request that buyers carefully consider their purchases. We cannot honor requests for returns or refunds for reasons such as:

● Buyer no longer wants the items: Once an order is submitted, the buyer enters into a legally binding contract with us to purchase all items in that order. Please be certain of your purchase before completing the order.

● Buyer is not ready to pay the asking prices: We urge buyers to ensure they are willing and able to pay the asking prices before placing an order. Once an order is submitted, it represents a commitment to purchase all items in that order.


If you wish to cancel your order, please contact us as soon as possible. However, if your order has already been shipped, we may be unable to intercept the package. We will do our best to assist you in accordance with our refund policy.